Bel Mooney broadcaster
Bel Mooney broadcaster




Articles published in The Times

The Hypotheticals of the Heart
On the Side of Angels
A Celebration of Becoming Sixty
My Fight to get Fit
Why Style Matters
A House in a Life
The Fickle Nature of Literary Reputation

What Ceremony Else?
Adrian Henri - Poet and Painter Extraordinary
Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" - A Moral Tale
Gordon Brown
No Choice About Reading Great Books
Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature
The Family Treasure House


Articles published in The Daily Telegraph

Devout Sceptics
In Praise of Domesticity
On Vanity and Growing Old

The Paradox of Passion
The Strengths of Marriage


The Guardian

In the seventies I wrote many features for the Guardian, but one stands out - for its far-reaching effects. In November 1975 our second son Tom was stillborn at full-term. I wrote out my feelings in a letter to a dear friend in Australia, and that letter formed an article published in the Guardian in January 1976, co-incidentally on my son Dan's second birthday.
The response to the piece was huge and very moving. As a direct result, the Stillbirth Society was formed (now SANDS: and I wrote (anonymously) their first pamphlet. Suddenly people woke up to the fact that stillbirth is a very real bereavement. I made two television programmes on the subject...and they, and that original article, still reverberate. Journalism, you see, can change things.
Read the article here: I could not cry.

The Daily Mail

All my work for the Daily Mail (columns, comment and book reviews) can be found on the website: But here is just one piece to which I am especially attached.


Contact Bel

To get in touch regarding journalism please email:

or write to: Bel Mooney
The Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street
London W9 5TT

For other enquiries please email: