Articles published in The Times
Articles published in The Daily Telegraph
Devout Sceptics |
The Guardian
In the seventies I wrote many features for the Guardian, but one stands out - for its far-reaching effects. In November 1975 our second son Tom was stillborn at full-term. I wrote out my feelings in a letter to a dear friend in Australia, and that letter formed an article published in the Guardian in January 1976, co-incidentally on my son Dan's second birthday.
The response to the piece was huge and very moving. As a direct result, the Stillbirth Society was formed (now SANDS: and I wrote (anonymously) their first pamphlet. Suddenly people woke up to the fact that stillbirth is a very real bereavement. I made two television programmes on the subject...and they, and that original article, still reverberate. Journalism, you see, can change things.
Read the article here: I could not cry.
The Daily Mail
All my work for the Daily Mail (columns, comment and book reviews) can be found on the website: But here is just one piece to which I am especially attached.